Meditation in motion
Our small group size consists of 5 participants max.
This ensures that we can guarantee individual coaching and are able to adjust the sessions to your needs and your progress.
Courses are available to book in units of 10, priced at 170€ total.
You can book private one-on-one yoga sessions with us.
These individually coached sessions can be tailored for one person or small groups of up to 4 participants.
Yoga sessions at Urban Health Concept:
More information and appointments:
Tel: +43 (0) 664 / 589 48 22, Email:
Running yoga should be seen as a holistic movement concept. It includes the advantages of endurance sports, like improving the cardiovascular system, strengthening the leg muscles and making our energy supply processes more efficient. Beyond that, its focus is the improvement of two essential disciplines of the yoga system: asanas (body positions) and breathing technique.
Running yoga consists of an active yoga portion geared towards strengthening the core muscles and a brief stretch of the main muscle groups used in running, then one running portion (ranging from tempo run to long jog) followed by another yoga portion focused on long holds of specific running stretches.
Ideal for
Running yoga should be seen as a holistic movement concept. It includes the advantages of endurance sports, like improving the cardiovascular system, strengthening the leg muscles and making our energy supply processes more efficient. Beyond that, its focus is the improvement of two essential disciplines of the yoga system: asanas (body positions) and breathing technique.
Running yoga consists of an active yoga portion geared towards strengthening the core muscles and a brief stretch of the main muscle groups used in running, then one running portion (ranging from tempo run to long jog) followed by another yoga portion focused on long holds of specific running stretches.
Ideal for
Hormonyoga, von der brasilianischen Psychologin und Yogalehrerin Dinah Rodriguez entwickelt, ist eine Kombination von dynamischen Körperstellungen, Atemtechniken und Visualisierungen zur Harmonisierung des Hormonhaushalts.
Dabei handelt es sich um die Abfolge von Übungen, die speziell auf die körperlichen und seelischen Besonderheiten von Frauen abgestimmt sind und den Hormonhaushalt sanft ins Gleichgewicht bringen.
Die Hormonyoga Übungsreihe steigert Vitalität und Wohlbefinden, dient der Beruhigung des vegetativen Nervensystems, kräftigt Körper und Muskulatur und steigert das Energieniveau.
Hormonyoga, von der brasilianischen Psychologin und Yogalehrerin Dinah Rodriguez entwickelt, ist eine Kombination von dynamischen Körperstellungen, Atemtechniken und Visualisierungen zur Harmonisierung des Hormonhaushalts.
Dabei handelt es sich um die Abfolge von Übungen, die speziell auf die körperlichen und seelischen Besonderheiten von Frauen abgestimmt sind und den Hormonhaushalt sanft ins Gleichgewicht bringen.
Die Hormonyoga Übungsreihe steigert Vitalität und Wohlbefinden, dient der Beruhigung des vegetativen Nervensystems, kräftigt Körper und Muskulatur und steigert das Energieniveau.
The ideal time for pregnant women to start a prenatal yoga course is from week 13 of pregnancy.
In general, women are able to practice yoga up to and including the day they give birth, if they feel up to it – this varies from individual to individual.
The aim of prenatal yoga is to vitalise the body and to promote deep relaxation.
The focused and mindful movements of yoga encourage the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body and promote the balance of all vegetative functions. Through its particular targeted exercises, prenatal yoga can help with or even prevent typical pregnancy-related issues like back problems, tension and sciatica as well as vein problems and oedema.
Yoga encourages physical flexibility, creating more room for the baby and the mother’s organs during pregnancy, promotes healthy breathing and is helpful for the actual birth process.
Sun salutation A (with core stabilisation)
Guided sun salutation A (with instructions)
Sun salutation A (frequent mistakes and corrections)
Sun salutations A + B