A holistic approach
Various problems often start with puberty-age girls and continue in adulthood, through child-bearing age, birth and menopause. When they can’t be tackled with “traditional” methods, women and their all-too-real symptoms are frequently dismissed. It is assumed their complaints are psychological or, particularly in weight-related issues, a simple matter of self-discipline.
Evidence has indicated that a holistic examination of mostly multiple root causes and a subsequent targeted treatment show very positive results. To name some of the approaches which – in isolation or combination with one another – can improve or resolve most if not all of the problematic issues: a programme of targeted nutrition, supplements to ensure the intake of essential vitamins and nutrients, inner physical balance through bioresonance, energetic balance through meridian work, stress reduction, ‘stomach work’ through visceral osteopathy.
Women and men who would like to conceive have the opportunity to physically and mentally prepare for the upcoming stage of life.
Visceral therapy (working on inner organs through manipulation of the stomach) can easily have a direct and noticeable effect. Blockages are resolved and physical structures are mobilised, which gets all the ‘fluid systems’ (blood, lymph and nerves) flowing again. On an energetic level, this treatment leads to inner balance and restored equilibrium, starting at the subconscious level.
Sometimes, the decision to have a child produces a variety of different emotions, which can make getting pregnant difficult. A woman’s own childhood memories, societal pressure, financial worries, fear of responsibility, prior miscarriages, abortions or illnesses – all of these can create physical and mental blockages.
Body therapy and coaching can help diagnose and resolve these obstructions.
There has been a long-standing cooperation between Ms. Siokola-Tomandl and the psychotherapy practice Bienenstein, which has been very successful using this two-pronged approach.
In collaboration with:
Martina Bienenstein
Mobile: +44 676 40 82 714
Pregnancy is that stage in life where we are keenly aware of physical changes and various altered demands on the musculoskeletal system and organs. In these hectic times, it’s sometimes difficult to address all of these different needs.
Shiatsu offers the ideal opportunity to accompany you during that magical journey of pregnancy with all its obstacles.
Lower back pain, pregnancy sciatica and other common ailments that pop up during pregnancy, are easily explained with the body’s altered biomechanics, and can subsequently be easily treated.
Our pregnancy care makes it possible to experience this special time more mindfully and mostly free of physical or mental issues, aiming towards a positive birth experience.
Learn more about our pregnancy yoga sessions here.
Pregnancy is that stage in life where we are keenly aware of physical changes and various altered demands on the musculoskeletal system and organs. In these hectic times, it’s sometimes difficult to address all of these different needs.
Shiatsu offers the ideal opportunity to accompany you during that magical journey of pregnancy with all its obstacles.
Lower back pain, pregnancy sciatica and other common ailments that pop up during pregnancy, are easily explained with the body’s altered biomechanics, and can subsequently be easily treated.
Our pregnancy care makes it possible to experience this special time more mindfully and mostly free of physical or mental issues, aiming towards a positive birth experience.
Learn more about our pregnancy yoga sessions here.
Hormonyoga, von der brasilianischen Psychologin und Yogalehrerin Dinah Rodriguez entwickelt, ist eine Kombination von dynamischen Körperstellungen, Atemtechniken und Visualisierungen zur Harmonisierung des Hormonhaushalts.
Dabei handelt es sich um die Abfolge von Übungen, die speziell auf die körperlichen und seelischen Besonderheiten von Frauen abgestimmt sind und den Hormonhaushalt sanft ins Gleichgewicht bringen.
Die Hormonyoga Übungsreihe steigert Vitalität und Wohlbefinden, dient der Beruhigung des vegetativen Nervensystems, kräftigt Körper und Muskulatur und steigert das Energieniveau.
Hormonyoga, von der brasilianischen Psychologin und Yogalehrerin Dinah Rodriguez entwickelt, ist eine Kombination von dynamischen Körperstellungen, Atemtechniken und Visualisierungen zur Harmonisierung des Hormonhaushalts.
Dabei handelt es sich um die Abfolge von Übungen, die speziell auf die körperlichen und seelischen Besonderheiten von Frauen abgestimmt sind und den Hormonhaushalt sanft ins Gleichgewicht bringen.
Die Hormonyoga Übungsreihe steigert Vitalität und Wohlbefinden, dient der Beruhigung des vegetativen Nervensystems, kräftigt Körper und Muskulatur und steigert das Energieniveau.
Recurring or chronic urinary tract infections are a common complaint. Manual therapy can work wonders, even if the infections recur frequently.
Bladder mobility and the general blood supply of the lower abdomen can be greatly improved and potential tensions and sticky fascia resolved manually, by massaging the affected areas.
Here, manual therapy can break a vicious circle, and a generous boost to the immune system, adequate nutrient supply through a healthy diet and targeted plant-based supplements will all contribute to resolving the issue.